#Health & Fitness

Seven reasons why sugar is called the white death

Sugar is sweet, but it is very harmful to your body. The increase of beta-endorphin in the brain from sugar makes you feel good in time, but it is very harmful to your immunity.

Excessive consumption of sugar is poison for our body, which can also result in cancer.

Some of the negative effects of sugar
The effect on muscle protein
Excess sugar consumption increases glucose 6 phosphate (G6P) in the body which is responsible for changing the protein levels of the heart muscle. This can result in heart failure.

The ageing of the cells
According to a 2009 study, taking too much glucose causes both cells and the brain to age, which is very harmful to humans.

Influence on immunity
Sugar increases endorphins in the body, which reduces the effectiveness of the immune system.

An increase in cancer-causing compounds
Sugar increases bile acids, resulting in the formation of compounds that cause colon cancer.

A decrease in the elasticity of the tissues
Continuous use of sugar destroys the elasticity of the tissues.

A decrease in muscle strength
Excessive consumption of sugar during pregnancy has a very profound effect on muscle strength.

The effect on blood protein
Constantly adding sugar to your diet affects two types of blood proteins, albumin and lipoprotein. As a result, the body is unable to control fat and cholesterol.

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Seven reasons why sugar is called the white death

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