Israel Accused of Destabilizing Global Peace

Lahore (PR): “Israel is bent on spreading the war and wreak havoc on the peace and security of the entire world.” This was said by the Ameer of Tanzeem e Islami, Shujauddin Shaikh, in a statement. The Ameer said that the martyrdom of seven leaders of Hamas, including the Deputy Chief Sheikh Saleh al-Arouri, in an Israeli drone attack in Beirut affirms the destructive agenda of the illegitimate Zionist state to spread war. The reality is that Zionist brutality is actively escalating and it is now taking practical steps towards the creation of Greater Israel with the full and unconditional support from the United States and Europe. High-ranking officials in Israel are openly declaring that they will commit genocide not only in Gaza but also the West Bank. They are bluntly declaring that Israel will carry out targeted assassination of Hamas leaders wherever they are present in Muslim countries. Muslim nations must now decide whether they will continue to endure a useless life of humiliation or respond with determination to Israeli brutality and thuggery. Sheikh Saleh al-Arouri, like tens of thousands of Palestinian Muslims, has achieved success by embracing martyrdom, infusing new strength and vigor into the resistance movement against Israel. In Sha Allah! However, Muslim leaders and their military establishments should not forget that Israel is bent on destroying global peace, and its next target will be other Muslim nations. The Ameer said that South Africa has courageously filed a case of genocide against Israel in the International Court of Justice, which is nothing short of a slap on the face of the spineless 57 Muslim countries. Commenting on the nefarious designs of Israel viz. Pakistan the Ameer said that the former Israeli Prime Minister David Ben, Gurion had stated in explicit terms, while celebrating in Paris Israeli’s victory in the 1967 war, that Pakistan is the most dangerous enemy of Israel and. Moreover, the current Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, had expressed his desire to see a denuclearized Pakistan in an interview given a few years ago. Therefore, the Ameer emphasized, our civilian and military leaderships should comprehend the gravity of the current situation. America wants Pakistan and Afghanistan to be up in arms against each other so that the region of Khorasan could be prevented from coming into fruition, about which it has been prophesized in the Ahadith of the Holy Prophet (SAAW), that armies will go from Khorasan to strengthen the regime of Hazrat Mahdi (RA) and establish the banner of Islam in Elia (Jerusalem), leading to the establishment of the Deen of Islam in the entire world. The Ameer asserted that we, therefore, need to make Pakistan a true Islamic nuclear state. May Allah guide the leaderships of Muslim countries on the right path. Ameen!