
ANF Fights Drug Addiction

In the year 2023, ANF seized 618 metric tons of drugs and banned chemicals worth billions of rupees by conducting 1929 operations. According to statistics, 1,860 persons involved in smuggling were arrested in the anti-narcotics force’s crackdown on smuggling, including 64 foreign nationals.
In the year 2023, ANF at airports 790.422 kg of Drug by failing 341 attempts! while 405 smugglers were arrested, the anti-narcotics force thwarted smuggling efforts not only within the country but also abroad, During the checking of containers at Karachi port, 14 smuggling attempts were thwarted and 235 parcels were seized in various operations.
On the other hand, this year has been the most successful year in the history of the ANF in terms of drug eradication, In 2023, 15328 activities were organized for anti-drug awareness and awareness.

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