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Australian Prime Minister offers Permanent visa to Pakistani guard injured in knife attack

Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has offered a permanent visa to a Pakistani security guard injured in a stabbing attack.

According to a foreign news agency, during a radio interview, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has confirmed that the Pakistani security guard injured during the Bondi Junction stabbing attack will be granted a permanent visa to Australia.

Prime Minister Albanese said that Mohamed Taha was the second person to confront the man, the criminal, Joel Cauchi, on Saturday, which is an act of extraordinary courage.
“These two men put themselves at risk to protect Australians they didn’t even know, it’s the kind of courage we want to thank,” Anthony Albanis added.

It should be remembered that a few days ago, a man killed six people including Pakistani security guard Faraz Tahir in a knife attack in Bondi Junction, Australia, while security guard Muhammad Taha was injured in the attack.

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Australian Prime Minister offers Permanent visa to Pakistani guard injured in knife attack

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Australian Prime Minister offers Permanent visa to Pakistani guard injured in knife attack

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