Carrot is an expensive vegetable

Carrots contain protein, potassium, calcium, iron, copper and other components including vitamins A, B, CD, E and K.
Recent research on carrots: One cup of cooked carrots contains 70 calories and 4 grams of fiber.
By eating one cup of carrots for three weeks, cholesterol can be reduced by 11%.
One carrot contains such amount of vitamin A which is much more than a person’s daily requirement.
The beta-carotene present in carrots helps in keeping the sugar level in moderation.
Regular consumption of carrots reduces the risk of cancer, especially lung cancer.
Use of carrot prevents night blindness.
Cooked carrots are more nutritious than raw carrots.
Carrots cooked in light oil are more beneficial than boiled carrots.
Its excessive use causes yellowing of the skin.
Nutritional benefits: Because carrots have countless nutritional benefits and are a great source of vitamin A. That’s why the carotene included in it is actually derived from the word kerat (carrot in English). Carotene is actually a vitamin. It is called the initial form. Carotene enters the human body and makes vitamin A with the help of the liver.
Carrot is not only healthy for children, but it is equally beneficial for adults. Its juice has a treasure of health in it and that is why it is called “charismatic drink”. Drink carrot juice. It gets rid of the toxins in the liver.
It contains vitamin K and vitamin D together with calcium to strengthen bones.
Since it contains abundant amount of iron, its continuous use can effectively treat anemia.
Since carrots contain numerous vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber and antioxidants, they protect our body cells from damage.
Because the treatment of countless diseases is hidden in carrots, which will be briefly explained here:
Increases immunity: Since vitamin D and vitamin A are found in abundance in carrots, its use increases the immunity in the human body. At the same time, its use also increases the amount of white cells in the blood. Due to which these cells continue to destroy the harmful germs in the body. In addition, it helps in increasing immunity due to some amount of vitamin D, vitamin E and copper.
Treatment of stomach diseases: By eating carrots, such secretions start to form in the stomach, which helps the digestive system to digest food faster. Regular use of carrots also protects against stomach ulcers. There is an abundant amount of water, due to which it also protects against constipation.
Prevention of heart diseases: Cholesterol is considered to be the biggest risk for heart patients. According to a study, carrots reduce cholesterol in the blood, due to which people who eat carrots are protected from heart diseases. Italy. According to one study, people who ate carrots were found to have a 23 percent lower risk of heart attack than those who did not.
Skin protection: The antioxidants and vitamin A present in carrots have a better ability to protect the skin from the effects of sun rays, which removes wrinkles, dark spots and spots on the face and skin. Refines.
Effective treatment of teeth: Since carrot is a fibrous vegetable, the saliva produced in the mouth by chewing it keeps the teeth safe from worms, and also provides protection against throat cancer. Use cleans the teeth and removes food particles stuck between the teeth. It protects the teeth from decay by giving them strength.
Eye treatment: As it contains abundant amount of beta-carotene which is actually the early form of vitamin A which is converted into vitamin A by the liver. Therefore vitamin A strengthens our eye muscles and beta. Due to the abundance of carotene, there is effective protection from other eye diseases such as cataracts and night blindness.
Cancer Protection: Carrots have been found to be very beneficial in the diet, their consumption provides protection against colon, lung and breast cancer. Drinking fresh juice is extremely beneficial. Holds
Aids in weight loss: Since carrots are high in fiber and relatively low in calories, they prevent weight gain.
Written by: Tahirim Niazi (Nutritionist Lahore)