#Health & Fitness Managing severe dandruff Advertisment may involve a combination of home remedies and over-the-counter products. Here are some suggestions: If the dandruff persists despite NationalNews.Press / 1 year Comment (0) (168)
#Health & Fitness Well-balanced and nutritious diet Advertisment Pregnant ladies should focus on a well-balanced and nutritious diet to support their health and the development of the NationalNews.Press / 1 year Comment (0) (188)
#Health & Fitness Pedal Exerciser is a compact and portable device Advertisment The Vive Pedal Exerciser is a compact and portable device that can be placed on a table or floor NationalNews.Press / 1 year Comment (0) (181)
#Health & Fitness Old Age – Aging Advertisment Aging begins at the top of the legs. Keep your legs strong and active. As we move through the NationalNews.Press / 1 year Comment (0) (339)
#Health & Fitness Guidelines for people affected by dog bites Advertisment If a dog bites you, don’t waste time thinking that it was mad or domesticated, go to the nearest NationalNews.Press / 1 year Comment (0) (169)
#Health & Fitness Important things to keep in mind: Advertisment 1. BP: 120/80 2. Length: 70 to 100 3. Temperature range: 36.8 to 37 4. Breathe in: 12-16 5. NationalNews.Press / 1 year Comment (0) (166)
#Health & Fitness Seven reasons why sugar is called the white death Advertisment Sugar is sweet, but it is very harmful to your body. The increase of beta-endorphin in the brain from NationalNews.Press / 1 year Comment (0) (253)
#Health & Fitness Bloating can be caused by various factors Advertisment Bloating can be caused by various factors, including overeating, gas, or underlying digestive issues. Here are some general remedies NationalNews.Press / 1 year Comment (0) (166)
#Health & Fitness Carrot is an expensive vegetable Advertisment Carrots contain protein, potassium, calcium, iron, copper and other components including vitamins A, B, CD, E and K. Recent NationalNews.Press / 1 year Comment (0) (208)
#Health & Fitness Benefits of eating with your hands Advertisment People know that eating with hands provides more health benefits than using spoons or forks, but what those benefits NationalNews.Press / 1 year Comment (0) (196)