
Xiaomi Introduces First Electric Vehicle

According to foreign media, the company has spent more than one billion 40 million dollars on the production of the vehicle and it has been working on it for several years, this vehicle has been named Xiaomi SU7 and in the next few months. It will be available to users in China.

The company’s CEO Lee Jun announced the vehicle at an event, although the price has not been revealed yet, he expressed his expectation that our company will serve as the leader of the electric vehicle market.

The vehicle will be available in 2 different models, one of which will be able to travel up to 668 km on a single charge, while the other will be able to travel up to 800 km, compared to the Tesla Model S that can travel up to 650 km on a single charge.

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Xiaomi Introduces First Electric Vehicle

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Xiaomi Introduces First Electric Vehicle

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