
Every Friday as ‘Women’s Day,’ registration at centers- NADRA

In a positive development, the National Database Registration Authority (NADRA) has declared that every Friday will be observed as ‘Women’s Day’ at all NADRA Registration Centers throughout Pakistan.

NADRA, has invited women to utilize the designated ‘Women’s Day’ at registration centers, encouraging them to take advantage of prioritized support throughout the registration process.

The initiative underscores the commitment to providing special support to women seeking national registration, ensuring that they receive assistance from staff during the registration process.

While International Women’s Day is globally celebrated on March 8 each year, NADRA’s weekly ‘Women’s Day’ initiative aims to foster ongoing participation and awareness regarding the importance of women’s registration, reflecting a dedication to inclusivity and recognizing the significance of proper documentation for every individual.

This initiative aligns with broader efforts to empower women and promote gender equality by ensuring that women have equal access to essential services, including national registration.

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Every Friday as ‘Women’s Day,’ registration at centers- NADRA

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Every Friday as ‘Women’s Day,’ registration at centers- NADRA

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