Guidelines for people affected by dog bites

If a dog bites you, don’t waste time thinking that it was mad or domesticated, go to the nearest government hospital at the first leisure.
The emergency doctors there know the situation a hundred times better than the private doctors.
We see patients every day. Putting chillies, tying a coin, all this is like putting a spindle. If the dog wasn’t crazy, it would all work out, if it was crazy, death is certain!
If the hospital is far away, wash the wound thoroughly with soap and running water for ten to fifteen minutes, then do not bandage. Leave it open and go to the hospital. Fourteen days have passed. Now there will be a course of three vaccines (schedule: 0-3-7) in a week, the first vaccine on the first day. The second injection is given three days after the first injection and the third injection four days after the second injection. The course will be completed in a week.
Similarly, the closer the dog bites to the head, the faster the virus is at risk of reaching the brain. cut on the leg or foot. Still need to get to the hospital soon.
If the dog has a claw, there is a sore and there is no blood, then there is no need for vaccination.
After the emergence of rabies (madness), more than five people could not be saved in the whole world till date.
Dogs, cats, cows, buffaloes, jackals, horses, donkeys, bats, every animal that is lactating can become a victim of rabies. When a rabid dog bites them, it transfers its germs to them. The same germs can be transmitted to humans if these animals bite. The virus is also found in the saliva of infected animals.