#Health & Fitness

History of Onions

Thousands of years ago, the people of ancient civilizations used onions in many ways, which you will surely be surprised to know. Humans have loved onions for thousands of years, which can be estimated from the fact that 7,000 years from today. Remains of onions have also been found in earlier archaeological sites. Along with its pungent taste, it is also rich in nutrients. But you might not have heard about the unique uses of onions.
Centuries ago, people of ancient civilizations and Europeans in the Middle Ages used onion in many ways, such as in ancient Egypt it had a sacred status and was even worshiped by ancient Egyptians. Archeology shows that In the time of 3000 BC, the people who built the pyramids of Egypt cultivated onions and onions were part of their daily diet. But along with that they also worshiped onions. The round shape of the onion and the peels formed when cutting it were also considered symbols of immortal life. Not only that, onion skins were also found in the mummy of Pharaoh Ramses IV, the king of ancient Egypt, which shows that the ancient Egyptians also used onions in mummification. In ancient Greece, onions were considered human. Corrects blood balance; Therefore, the athletes and fighting soldiers there were specially fed a lot of onion and they also applied onion paste on their skin to strengthen their muscles.
In the 16th century AD, European doctors also considered onions as a cure for infertility and advised barren women to eat plenty of onions. Also, at the same time, onions were also added to the fodder of animals so that they would produce more children. In medieval Europe, onions were also important in other respects and in some places rents were also paid in the form of onions. . In those days, onions were also considered a valuable gift and people used to give onions to each other as gifts.

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History of Onions

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History of Onions

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