Important & Complete Information of blessed grave of the Prophet (PBUH).

An event was organized by the management of Haram Sharifin to provide information about Masjid Nabawi. A complete explanation was given about the blessed grave of the Prophet (PBUH).
In the last five and a half centuries, no one has been able to visit the blessed grave of the Holy Prophet.
The Hujra Sharif in which the graves of you and your two Companions are, is surrounded by a four wall, adjacent to this four wall is another wall which consists of five walls.
This five-cornered wall was built by Hazrat Umar bin Abdul Aziz (may Allah have mercy on him). And the purpose of keeping it five corners was to save it from resembling the Kaaba.
There is another five walled wall around this Panj Diwari. A large curtain or cover has been placed over this five-cornered wall. All these walls are without doors, So there is no chance of anyone getting inside these walls. Pilgrims from inside the Holy Prophet’s shrine can also go to the curtain on this five-cornered wall.
When ordinary pilgrims who offer salutations to the shrine of the Holy Prophet stand in front of the golden nets, through the holes in the nets, they can only see the curtain, which is lying on the five walls of the Hajra Sharif.
In this way, there is a distance of a few yards between the pilgrims offering greetings and the Holy Prophet’s grave at Athar, but there are four walls in between.
One is a wall with golden nets, another is a five-cornered wall, the third is another pentagonal wall, and the fourth is the four-walled wall that was the original chamber wall. For the past thirteen hundred years, no one has been able to enter this five-walled chamber except on two occasions.
Once in 91 A.H. during the reign of Hazrat Umar bin Abdul Aziz, may God bless him and grant him peace, his slave And the second time in 881 Hijri, according to the statement of the famous historian Allama Nooruddin Abul Hasan Al-Summoudi, he himself.
The direction of Qibla in Masjid Nabawi is towards south. The holy shrine of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is in a large hall. The entrance to the large hall room is on the eastern side, i.e. the direction of Jannat al-Baqi.
This door is opened only for special persons. If you enter through this door, on the left side is the mihrab of Hazrat Fatima al-Zahra. Behind him is his cot (sarir).
The Al-Arabiya website quoted researcher Muhyiddin Al-Hashmi as saying that if you go to the holy shrine in the hall, you will see a wall covered with a green cover. This cover was changed during the reign of Shah Fahd in 1406 AH. The previously covered veil was produced in 1370 AH during the reign of King Abdul Aziz Al Saud. The said wall was built in 881 Hijri around the wall which was built by Hazrat Umar bin Abdul Aziz in 91 Hijri. There is no door in this enclosed wall. Its length is 8 meters in the direction of the Qiblah, 6.5 meters in the east and west directions and 14 meters in length of both the walls on the north side.
It is said that from 91 Hijri to 881 Hijri, no one could see the blessed grave of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). After that, in 881 Hijri, the walls of the Hajra Mubarak had to be rebuilt due to decay. At that time, the eminent historian and jurist Allama Nooruddin Abu Al-Hasan Al-Mahudi was present in Medina, who had the privilege of participating in the reconstruction of these walls.
He writes that on 14 Sha’ban 881 AH, the five walls were completely demolished. It was seen that there were cracks in the inner four walls, so they were also demolished. Before our eyes was now the holy chamber. I was fortunate enough to enter. I entered from the north direction. There was a scent that I had never felt in my life.
I offered my greetings politely in the service of the Messenger of Allah and his two caliphs. The sacred chamber was square in shape. Its four walls were made of black stones, like those used in the walls of the Kaaba. There was no door in the four walls.
My full attention was focused on the three graves. All three levels were almost level with the ground. There was only a slight bump in one place. It was probably Hazrat Umar’s grave. There was ordinary soil on the graves. Five centuries have passed, during which no human has entered these sealed and fortified walls.
Allama Nooruddin Abul Hasan Samhodi has written in his book (Wafaa al-Wafa) while mentioning the Prophet’s Chamber that “Its floor is based on red sand.”
The floor of Hajra Nabawi is about 60 cm below the floor of Masjid Nabawi. Meanwhile, the roof of the room was removed and a teak wood roof was installed in its place, which looks like the square lattices on the room. A small dome was built on top of this wood, which is 8 meters high and is located just below the dome of Khadra”.
All this information has been recorded by the author of the well-known book “Wafaa al-Wafa ba Akhbar Dar Al-Mustafi (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)”