Inauguration of Theranostics Lab and Chemotherapy Day Care Facility in Karachi

Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission Chairman Dr. Raja Ali Raza Anwar (HI, SI, PoP) inaugurated Sindh’s first and Pakistan’s third theranostics and chemotherapy day care at Karachi Institute of Nuclear Medicine (Kiran). On this occasion Dr. Masood Iqbal (Member Science- Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission) Director General (Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission) Dr. Shazia Fatima, Dr. Asgher H. Asgher (Director- Karachi Institute of Radiotherapy and Nuclear Medicine (KIRAN), Mr. Salim Tabani (Vice President of Kiran Patient Welfare Society), and other distinguished guests from other cities of the country participated. Atomic Energy Cancer Hospital Karachi Institute of Radiotherapy and Nuclear Medicine (KIRAN) has crossed a milestone in the form of installation of theranostic lab for better diagnosis and treatment of cancer patients, Atomic Energy Cancer Hospital Karachi Institute of Radio Therapy and Nuclear Medicine (Kiran) has also built a new Day Care Chemotherapy Ward in collaboration with Kiran Patients Welfare Society to provide better environment to poor and indigent patients at low cost. .
On this occasion, the guests were informed that after the diagnosis and stage of the disease, it is possible to treat these types of tumors with specific radioisotopes that emit beta rays that kill cancer cells. These types of treatments are offered to patients who have not responded to conventional treatments. About side effects compared to chemotherapy and radiotherapy, this therapy has limited side effects. Labeling has provided the cancer patient with the best quality treatment at a fraction of the cost. Atomic Energy Cancer Hospital, Karachi Institute of Radiotherapy and Nuclear Medicine is the only institution