Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi – The Only Hope of Palestine

Aqsa Abdul Qadir

It’s almost a week to the death of the former president of Iran, Ebrahim Raisi, the potential replacement of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei for the position of supreme leader. May 22 marked the day of his funeral; the world’s known governmental officials attended and the crowd of 3 million Iranians expressed their condolence over it, considering him the only hope for the Palestinian issue. Yet, was he really the hope? Was he able to solve the problem and make nations accept Palestine as a sovereign state?
Unfortunately, the reality is different.
Ebrahim Raisi could empower Hamas which was not wrong because there is a need for a force against Israel when they are always up to bring bloodshed in the country for their future motives, but Iran could not influence Israel to take back its forces. After all, the state itself is chained to different restrictions, affecting its growth, making itself work from behind the fard.
Palestine is a generational issue, the issue where Muslims had their share of fault too when they let Jews buy land and initiate the struggle of establishing a Zionist state. At that point, the Muslim nations stayed silent and when they stepped up, they did not realize the power of the new Israel – backed by the West. At that point, they did not keep their differences aside for Palestine.
Iran could take action from behind because it knew that no other Muslim nation would stand with it. Just ask yourself will Pakistan stand with Iran when it will stand its forces directly into Palestine to fight? No. Will KSA stand with Iran, leaving all differences for sometime and accepting that Iran has more courage than it? No.
The bitter truth is Iran is not powerful enough to take action alone. It needs community support from different Muslim states but those Muslim states are already in debt to the West or have the need to stay silent to get their hard-earned money from the US.
West has power because they valued assets and Israel has the brain that it needed; it used every Muslim nation in their favour so smartly that no one could speak. Jordon has power; their esteemed kingdom has say but they are silent because they are afraid if Israel would attack Masjid-e-Aqsa. They don’t have confidence in KSA and Iran that they would send their forces if somebody attacked the place they (Jordon) own.

Raisi can be said to be a key pillar in supporting Hamas which I find great because it’s genocide and Palestine has a right to defend itself and when its own government is not there then Hamas is doing right to come in front. Raisi’s support for Palestine was growing – his good point that led him to win the support of many in Iran where a huge crowd was against him too. We could say his influence was growing so much that he could step in with a great army indirectly and that’s why he was killed and the Israeli public account posted the picture of the helicopter.
Losing Raisi at that moment was indeed a great loss but at the same time, Muslim nations should learn a lesson to build a functional army of decision-makers, not a one-man show otherwise, slavery is guaranteed.

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Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi – The Only Hope of Palestine

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