
Khuda Bakhsh Celebrates Sindh Gas Discovery

Karachi: Malik Khuda Bakhsh, leader of petroleum and CNG industry, member of UBG Core Committee, director of Lions Club International, has called the discovery of new gas reserves in Sindh as a good thing for Sindh province. Malik Khuda Bakhsh said that the discovery of new gas reserves will provide 6.57 million cubic feet of gas per day. Remember that this is the third discovery of gas reserves in Dharki area of Sindh. While domestic consumers are worried, industries are also facing difficulties, while CNG stations are closing due to low gas reserves, where investors have invested billions of rupees. A new gas reservoir has been discovered in Sindh from where 6.57 million standard cubic feet of gas will be available per day. It should be noted that a new gas reservoir has been discovered after drilling up to 1014 meters at the location of Gazij Formation Two, the gas pressure is 306 pounds.

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Khuda Bakhsh Celebrates Sindh Gas Discovery

Problems faced by the construction sector

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