Pakistan Coast Guards organizing Independence Day celebrations

On connection with Pakistan’s Independence Day, various events were organized under the auspices of the Battalions of Pakistan Coast Guards on the occasion of this day, including flag hoisting, sports, art and festival competitions held in Korangi, Othal, Gwadar, Pasni, Armara and Gharu. A large number of dignitaries of the area participated in these events organized in.The main event was held at the Headquarters Pakistan Coast Guards, the chief guest of which was Director General of Pakistan Coast Guards Brigadier Ghulam Abbas. After the hoisting of the flag, students participated in speech competitions and highlighted the importance of Independence Day under the schools and colleges of Pakistan Coast Guards.
Finally certificates were distributed among the students.On the occasion of Independence Day, another ceremony was held at Pakistan Coast Guards Polo Field Korangi in the form of an independence match in which a large number of people and guests interested in polo participated. At the end of the ceremony, the chief guest of the ceremony, Director General of Pakistan Coast Guards, distributed shields to the players and awarded the trophy to the winning team.
The St Guards of Pakistan organizes various programs in collaboration with the local population in the areas of Sindh and Balochistan on the occasion of their official duties as well as national days to highlight the importance of the dear country