
The vegetable of pumpkin rich in vitamin C is also called gourd, this vegetable is also found in long and round shape, by using pumpkin one can avoid many diseases including heat intensity, while the refreshing green vegetable of gourd is different. Using the methods can also provide numerous medical benefits.
Gourd is a combination of vitamins and minerals, nutritionists consider gourd as a healthy vegetable, therefore, gourd is recommended to balance cholesterol level, sugar level and blood pressure, gourd contains vitamin C, K, A, E, iron and folic acid. It is an excellent source of acid, potassium and magnesium while being 92% water and zero calories.
Gourd is a vegetable with a cooling effect, especially in summer, it relieves dehydration, cools the stomach, is very useful for liver health, summer bleeding, heat rash, acne and ulcers. Gourd juice is very useful for prevention.
The positive effects of using gourds on health are as follows:
Using gourd for weight loss gives the best results, it is the only vegetable that does not cause dieting effects on the face, but the face becomes more plump due to the improvement of stomach health, to get the best results. So it can be consumed as a vegetable, juice or salad, Gourd contains zero calories and numerous vitamins and minerals, resulting in weight loss within days.
Before taking any medicine in case of Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) try adding lemon juice to gourd juice, use of gourd is proven to be the best treatment for UTI.
Use of gourd relieves constipation and diarrhoea, heartburn often occurs after eating in summer season, heartburn, acidity, if consumed as juice, salad or raita of gourd with every meal. The complaint is removed, the functioning of the digestive system is correct
Consuming gourd juice orally keeps cholesterol levels balanced while improving the health of the heart and arteries, eliminating excess fat from the blood.
Gourds contain a component called ‘Choline’, which improves mental health and memory, Choline is the main component for overall health, the presence of Choline in the human body is also useful in other diseases related to the brain, including depression. Gourd pudding or raita can be used to relieve stress.
Gourds are also rich in protein, which helps to relax muscles after exercise, helps to regenerate damaged muscles, and reduces glucose and carbohydrate levels in the body during exercise. which can be balanced by its use.
Due to its zero calorie content, consuming gourd juice reduces hunger pangs without adding any extra calories, thus eliminating the need for more food and maintaining weight control.