Sindh Energy, LG ministers ask three DISCOs to avoid load-shedding from 10 pm to 6 am daily

Sindh Energy Minister Syed Nasir Hussain Shah and Local Government Minister Saeed Ghani, have sternly directed the Karachi Electric, Hyderabad Electric Supply Company (HESCO), and Sukkur Electric Power Company (SEPCO) not to observe at any cost power load shedding from 10 pm to 6 pm daily in the ongoing peak summer season.
The provincial ministers issued these directives while chairing a meeting at the Sindh government’s Energy Department on Friday.
The meeting was attended by Sindh Energy Secretary Musaddiq Ahmed Khan, and senior officials of K-Electric, SEPCO and, HESCO.
The provincial ministers assured the participants of the meeting that the Sindh government would soon pay the dues payable to K-Electric, SEPCO, and HESCO.
The meeting took into consideration the grave sufferings of the people due to frequent power cuts amid unbearable weather conditions. The provincial ministers directed the three power distribution companies in the province not to observe load shedding during nighttime when people sleep. The concerned ministers asked the three DISCOs to adopt a mechanism to avoid load shedding from 10 pm to 6 am daily.
The Sindh Energy Minister asked the SPECO and HESCO to install MR metres at the public sector institutions so that electricity bills payable by them could be reconciled.
The Sindh Local Government Minister said that K-Electric shouldn’t punish all its consumers on account of power theft. He said the K-Electric should give value to human lives whose survival is threatened in extreme weather. He mentioned that power load shedding lasting up to 16 hours had caused unbearable suffering to the masses.