Sindh Government to Provide Free Solar Energy to 2.6 Lakh Houses, Announces Minister Saeed Ghani

Karachi (Staff Reporter) Sindh Local Government Minister Saeed Ghani has said that the Sindh government will provide free solar to 2.6 lakh houses in the province, while soon steps will be taken under public-private partnership to provide solar to the common people in easy installments. are going۔ Everyone knows the situation MQM is suffering from today, they have the right to criticize and we will also respond to it۔ He expressed these views while addressing the luncheon given by the journalists at the local hotel in this honor۔ In the ceremony, Deputy Mayor Salman Abdullah Murad, DG KDA Shujaat Hussain, COO Water Board Asadullah Khan, Town Chairman Cheniser Town Farhan Ghani, Sindh Solid West Director Rahmatullah Sheikh, PSF Karachi President Madani Raza, Construction Association Sindh Chairman Naeem Kazmi, Saeed Mughal and a large number of local body reporters were present۔ Saeed Ghani said that at present the electricity crisis on one side and the increasing electricity bills have made the people worried۔ He said that the Sindh government is implementing the promise made by Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari to give free electricity to the poor in his election manifesto and we are providing free solar to 2.6 lakh houses where there is no electricity network, so that they can light fan and light in their house۔ He said that on the other hand, he has spoken to the Minister of Energy of Sindh that those who use expensive electricity under public-private partnership should be provided with solar in easy installments so that they can become owners of solar by paying from the monthly electricity bill۔ He said that there have been several meetings with K Electric regarding minimizing load shedding in Karachi and especially not doing load shedding at night hours and soon its effects will start to meet the people۔ In response to a question, Saeed Ghani said that what has been said by MQM regarding Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto is beyond understanding and amazing in any case۔ To another question, he said that this has nothing to do with the budget of Sindh, the budget was approved in a good environment and the opposition also played a full role in it۔ He said that this year we have kept development funds more than Punjab and have secured the salaries of employees and pension of retired employees by increasing the monthly OZT shares of all councils and towns۔ With the increase in OZT shares, councils and towns will stand on their feet, while the funds of the USIs have also been increased from 5 lakh to 12 lakh so that they will be able to do development work in their USIs۔ In response to another question, Sindh Local Government Minister Saeed Ghani said that the real benefit of municipal tax in electricity bills will be given to the people of Karachi as this tax has been in force for many years and a contract has been given to a firm in the past for its collection. But he collected 6 crores and received more than that fee۔ Now this is definitely included in the electric bill, but it is not part of the bill of K Electric and its collection will provide more civic facilities to the people۔ In response to a question regarding the increasing load shedding in Karachi, he said that there is continuous discussion with the K Electric Li administration in this regard and he has assured that soon the end of load shedding at night and during daytime hours. Loadshedding will also be reduced۔ He said that we are all suffering the punishment of some electricity thieves and we are also filling their bills۔ K Electric should take full action against electricity thieves۔ The Sindh government will fully support them۔ Answer to the question of not taking any kind of measures by the Sindh government regarding climate change۔ Saeed Ghani said that the Sindh government has taken more steps in this regard than all the provinces and it has been acknowledged at the global level and we have also been appreciated in this regard۔