
The Slave Nation – Imitation of the winner

The vanquished nation is always fond of imitating the conqueror, the medals adorned on the victor’s uniform and uniform, the gold buttons and the symbols of power on the buttons, the honorifics, the ways of its siting and dismissing, all its circumstances, customs, its past, its history, even the trick of the invading conqueror, and the reason why the people are defeated by the powerful. They believe in his talent with their eyes closed.

The society is devoid of moral values. The longer the period of darkness, the worse the man of the mentally and physically subjugated society becomes than the animals, there comes a time when the subjugated lives only for the sake of bread and sexual instinct.

When states fail and nations fall, there is a plethora of astrologers, beggars, hypocrites, swindlers, charlatans, palm-leaf readers, dirhams and dinars, fatwa sellers, fakhiyas, false narrators, obnoxious singers, rabble-rousing poets, hooligans, drummers, self-proclaimed truth-seekers, con-artists, flatterers, jesters, opportunists, politicians and rumour-mongers.

Every day the masks of false form appear, but no one believes, in which the one who does not have the quality from the top is considered a master of this art, the skills lose their value, the management becomes poor, the element of meaning disappears from the speech. Honesty is mixed with lies, and jihad with terrorism.

When states are destroyed, every hundred terror spreads and people seek refuge in groups, miracles appear and rumors spread, infertile debates linger, friend turns into enemy and enemy into friend, the voice of vanity rises and the voice of truth is suppressed, suspicious faces become more visible and sociable faces disappear from the surface, inspiring dreams become rare and hopes are dashed, the ignorance of the wise increases, people’s personal identity disappears and the party, group or sect becomes their identity.

The voice of the intellectuals is lost in the noise of the preachers.

Markets bustle and affiliations collide, the basics of nationalism, patriotism, faith and religion are eroded, and people from the same family accuse blood relatives of treason.

Eventually, things come to such a pass that people are left with only one plan of salvation. “Migration,” everyone talks about escaping from these conditions, the number of migrants begins to increase, the homeland turns into an inn, people’s entire luggage reaches the travel bags, the pastures begin to be deserted, the homeland into memories, and the memories turn into stories.

God have mercy on you son of Khaldun! Are you looking into our future? You were able to see seven centuries ago what we are unable to see today!

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The Slave Nation – Imitation of the winner

IG Sindh visited Police Range Mirpur Khas.

The Slave Nation – Imitation of the winner


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