Turnip more useful than apple..!

I am used to hearing this Started research and tried
More authentic benefits should be sought and it should be seen that
This is a common, inexpensive vegetable from such an expensive apple how is ten times better..?
Research has shown that turnip especially muscle weakness, back pain
Leg pain, heart, liver, eye, bone, joint pain, reduces uric acid, normalizes cholesterol and relieves constipation.
Boiling turnips and kneading them with gram flour and making bread helps in controlling blood sugar, but wheat has to be left out.
Because it is high in fiber eating as a salad fills the stomach is a friend of weight loss. Come on!
See the ratio of useful ingredients.
Apples and turnips:
The most important thing Turnips contain 10 times more vitamin C than apples.
That is 24 percent in apples and 200 percent in turnips.
Vitamin B1: 7% in apples and 29% in turnips.
Vitamin B6: 14% in apple, 58% in turnip
Sodium: 0% in apples and 32% in turnips
Potassium: 12 % in apples and 39 % in turnips
Calcium: 5% in apples and 43% in turnips
Magnesium: 5% in apples, 22% in turnips
Phosphorus: 7% in apples and 33% in turnips
Iron: 8 in apples, 36% in turnips
Manganese: 6 in apples, 42% in turnips
Copper: 10% in apple, 61% in turnip.
Zinc: Apple 2 %, turnip 21 %.
Selenium: 0 % in apples, 11% in turnips
Fiber: 9 % in apples, turnip 13 %.
Protein: 1 % in apples, turnips 6 %
Now you can guess for yourself
If apples are not available, expensive Turnips can be easily available at reasonable price.
If not season it in natural vinegar
Can be preserved throughout the year by making pickles.
Can be used daily by making new flavors in any new form.
Dr. Abdullah Saleem Karachi