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Consumption of Halal(حلال) is the commandment of Allah; anyone who makes effort to consume Halal(حلال) or struggle to produce it or strive to make it easily available for others; Is an act to please Allah that will bestow with Barakah.
On the world (حلال) Halal standards day on every 17th May celebrate this day by awareness of the public Being national Standards body, PSQCA is the representative of Pakistan at OIC/SMIIC. For ease of doing business, PSQCA has already adopted 09 standards of OIC/SMIIC while 19 standards OIC/SMIIC are under discussions in PSQCA's pertinent Halal (حلال) Technical Committees for adoption purposes as per our national needs, rules and regulation.
PSQCA, through the initial and crucial part of Halal (حلال) standardization has been delivering national standards for trade facilitation then Halal (حلال) product manufacturing industry and Halal (حلال) conformity assessment bodies are the key users of standards for development of trade and business in Halal (حلال) sector.
Similarly, Pakistan standards for Halal حلال) (non-food sector covers Halal (حلال) pharmaceutical, Halal (حلال) nutraceutical, Halal (حلال) Ayurvedic, biochemic products, Halal (حلال) Cosmetics & Personal Care Products, Halal (حلال) tourism ,Halal (حلال) conformity assessment services, Halal (حلال) supply chain and management system.

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